Conditions of sale

Article 1. General information

These general conditions of sale of the Sub Evolution store apply to all orders, sales and deliveries of the products that the company markets through its website in the sole capacity of distributor through the catalogue, offers, advertising and quotes by means of e-commerce, distance selling or orally.

The general conditions apply to both private individuals and companies or bodies/associations.

All orders imply full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale. The customer's general purchasing conditions are irrelevant for the interpretation and application of this contract.

Article 2. Quotes, orders

Only estimates presented in writing and during the period indicated in the estimate itself are considered valid according to law. If the duration of the quote is not mentioned, the validity is considered to be set at 30 days from the moment of issue. After this deadline, the estimate is considered ineffective, unless accepted by Sub Evolution.

Orders can be placed and are validly received by Sub Evolution at the addresses specifically indicated by the same, via the Internet, by telephone, by post, through headed paper or with the customer's stamp, or by e-mail. The contract must be considered concluded only following formal acceptance of the order by Sub Evolution. Sub Evolution reserves the right to confirm the order through any useful means with specific communication to the customer's address. The customer must check the order confirmation and immediately communicate any error, omission or discrepancy with the order itself. Otherwise the object of the sales contract will be determined on the basis of the order confirmation sent by Sub Evolution. Orders placed by the client himself, or by an attorney or other authorized person acting in his name or on his behalf will produce their legal effects on the client.

Sub Evolution reserves the right to cancel the order and issue a refund in the event of lack of goods and/or availability of the same within a maximum of 7 days or in the event of non-payment.

Article 3. Object

The Contract contains the terms and conditions that govern: the sale of Products as well as the provision of Services purchased by the Customer through the Site; and navigation of the Site by the Customer as well as the use of all the features made available to the Customer through the Site.

Any purchase of Products or Services made by (A) a Customer, acting as a Consumer Customer, will be governed not only by the Contract, but also by the provisions of the Consumer Code and Legislative Decree no. 70/2003, as applicable; and (B) a Client, acting as a Professional Client, will be governed exclusively by this Contract, as well as by the provisions of the civil code, to the extent not provided herein.

Article 4. Registration on the site and acceptance of the contract conditions

  1. The Customer who intends to act as a Registered Customer must complete the registration procedure on the Site by providing the requested information and personal data and indicate an email address to log in and a "password", as requested in the appropriate section of the Site. Sub Evolution will send an email confirming registration to the email address provided by the Registered Customer during the registration procedure.
  2. The Registered Customer is required to carefully read these General Conditions as well as, in general, the terms and conditions of the Contract which can be viewed and printed during the registration process also by accessing pop-ups or hypertext links; the Customer is required to accept these terms and conditions by clicking in the appropriate box marked "I accept the terms and conditions of use".
  3. The Customer expressly authorizes Sub Evolution to send this Agreement, including the relevant General Conditions, any special conditions, as well as all communications relating to the execution of this Agreement to its email address, also via specific links to the relevant pages of the Site. Contract. The Customer acknowledges that this Contract, including the relevant General Conditions, any special conditions and all related amendments in force from time to time, can be printed on paper or downloaded by the Customer.

Article 5. Product characteristics


The prices of the Products published on our Site comply with global laws and regulations.

Customers who are part of the European Union: the prices of our products include VAT but not shipping costs which will be indicated in the cart before completing the order.

Customs duties are paid directly to the transport company that acts as an intermediary. Customs tariffs and related regulations vary between countries and it is difficult to know exactly how they work.

All prices displayed on our site do not include any costs for Services that may be requested by the Customer.

Purchases of the Products, as illustrated and described on Sub in the relevant technical data sheets, as well as the Services, are made by the Customer at the price in force at the time of sending the Purchase Order, the latter price being, in any case, displayed on the Site as well as within the Purchase Order.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, Sub Evolution reserves the right to modify at any time, at its sole discretion and without notice, the price of the Products and Services present on the Site from time to time, without therefore providing any guarantee regarding the fact that the sales price of the Products or Services remains available on the Site or unchanged for a certain period of time.

On the contrary and for clarity, any price that has been agreed upon following Sub Evolution's acceptance of a Purchase Order issued by a Customer will remain firm and unchangeable between the parties.

In the event that an incorrect and/or obviously negligible price appears and whatever the reason (IT or technical error...) the order will be canceled even in the event of initial confirmation and the customer will be informed if he wishes to place a new order with the correct price.

Product Availability

The availability of each Product is updated on the Site. Given the existence of the physical store and in light of the fact that the possibility for Customers to place orders ONLINE constantly modifies the availability of the Products, Sub Evolution does not guarantee the availability of the Products ordered by Customer but reserves the right to verify it from time to time, notifying the Customer pursuant to the previous article 4.

Having a vast variety of products in the catalog and a continuous movement of the same, due to the continuous shipments to customers, we are not able to have immediate availability of all the products, but despite this we are able to guarantee rapid shipping, having continuous deliveries from of our supplier companies.

Once the order is received, our warehouse processes it. You will receive an email regarding the status of the shipment only if, for internal logistical reasons or for restocking the material, there are delays in the latter. You will always be able to check the timing in the information reported on each article; or you can log in to our site and check everything in your reserved "orders" area.

In the event that the goods are ready in the warehouse, you will only receive the fulfillment email with the relevant tracking number the same evening your package will be dispatched.

Article 6. Conditions and forms of payment

The accepted forms of payment are:

Ordinary bank transfer: (the goods will depart only after verifying payment at the bank)

Once the payment has been made, it is necessary to send us the details of the payment via email to the email address

Below are the details to make the payment:

For those purchasing from Italy:

Sub Evolution di Petricelli Fabio

Banca unicredit filiale di Bacoli 30145

IBAN: IT90J0200839730000106823128


Payment via PayPal with Credit Card:

We have chosen to rely on the number 1 bank account in the world for our transactions because PAYPAL guarantees 100% security against fraud and your credit card or your PayPal account against unauthorized access (the goods are processed on the same day or in day following the order).

PayPal is a secure online payment method. It not only safeguards your personal data, but offers you extensive protection against unauthorized payments funded from your account. For each transaction carried out with your PayPal account you will receive a confirmation email. If you receive confirmation of a payment that you did not authorize, PayPal Customer Service will help you resolve the issue at any time. You can make a payment using your PayPal account or, if you don't have a PayPal account, you can easily and securely pay via PayPal with your credit card.

Failure to pay the invoice in full on the due date will result, without the need for notice or formal notice to the debtor, in the attribution in favor of Sub Evolution of the compensation resulting from non-compliance and lump-sum interest determined on the basis of the percentage sum resulting on the basis at the legal rate determined on the basis of current legislation (and in particular pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree no. 231/2002) compared to the price including VAT. This clause does not affect the immediate collectability of the credit.

Article 7. Times and forms of delivery of the goods

In general

The purchased products will be delivered by Sub Evolution to the address indicated by the Customer in the Purchase Order;

Invoice/Tax receipt

Each shipment will be accompanied by a receipt in accordance with the law where specifically requested, an invoice will be issued.

The invoice relating to purchases of Products (and related Services) delivered to your home will be included inside the package and/or can be requested by the Registered Customer only if it is explicitly requested after completing all the data.

No changes to the invoice/receipt will be possible after it has been issued.

For orders involving multiple Products, separate invoices and receipts may be issued based on the shipments actually made.

Delivery times and stock

The Products will be delivered by Sub Evolution to your home within an indicative and non-binding deadline of 7 (seven) Working Days from Sub Evolution sending the email accepting the Purchase Order.

In the event that the Products are not delivered after 7 (seven) Working Days from the sending of the email accepting the Purchase Order by Sub Evolution, the Customer may send an email to Sub Evolution with the subject "non-delivery" and indicating the order number and any notes.

After receiving this e-mail and having carried out the appropriate checks, Sub Evolution will contact the Customer, approximately within 2 (two) Working Days, responding to the Customer's request for information.

In the event of the purchase of multiple Products of different types, Sub Evolution reserves the right to deliver the individual Products with different times and deliveries.

The Customer is required to verify, upon receipt of the ordered Products: (a) whether the number of packages delivered corresponds to that indicated on the transport document, (b) whether the packaging is intact, and (c) whether the Product delivered to him complies with the Purchase Order placed.

The Customer must sign the delivery note indicating "subject to control of the integrity of the products"; if this does not happen, the Customer will not be able to subsequently dispute the external non-conformity of the Product and its quantity compared to what was ordered.

In the case of collection of the Product directly in the store, Sub Evolution will communicate, via e-mail, to the Customer the date from which the Product can be collected. The Product will remain in stock at the Sub Evolution Sales Point for 10 (ten) Working Days from the date on which the Product is available as above. After this last deadline, Sub Evolution will have the right to declare the relevant Contract terminated and ineffective, by sending the Customer an e-mail to this end, and, in this case, Sub Evolution will have the right to re-list the Product.

Delivery to the point of sale

The Products purchased on the Site can also be collected by the Customer at the point of sale.

The Products will be made available at the Point of Sale within an indicative and non-binding deadline of 10 (ten) Working Days from Sub Evolution sending the email accepting the Purchase Order.


The invoice relating to purchases of Products (and related Services) delivered to your home will be inserted inside the package and/or can be downloaded by the Registered Customer directly online in the Customer's file.

The Registered Customer will be able to download the invoice by entering the order number and their email in the appropriate section called 'order status'.

However, as regards the Products collected at the Sub Evolution Sales Point, the invoice will be delivered directly to the Customer at the same Sales Point.

No changes to the invoice will be possible after it has been issued.

For orders involving multiple Products, separate invoices may be issued based on the shipments actually made.

Shipping fees

An amount for shipping costs must be added to the price of the Product purchased by the Customer for which home delivery or collection at a warehouse of the carrier is requested. This amount is calculated automatically by the Sub Evolution system, having regard, among others, to the weight and dimensions of the Products, but without distinctions linked to the place of delivery in the Italian territory and in some cases and/or periods it may not be present or linked to spending thresholds. This amount, if any, will be indicated in the Purchase Order before it is sent by the Customer.

In Italy, ordinary shipping is free from €100 and has a fixed cost of €9.00 for orders under €100.

In the case of collection at the Sub Evolution point of sale, no transport costs will be added. For shipments outside Italy and in any case within the European community the shipping costs amount to €12.00.

In the case of shipments outside the European Community, customs and/or accessory charges if required will be borne by the buyer.

Article 8. Product warranty

TAll Products purchased through Sub Evolution enjoy the legal guarantee of conformity pursuant to the Consumer Code and the Civil Code, as applicable.

Professional Client

For each Product purchased by a Professional Customer, the latter will benefit from the guarantee against defects in the item sold pursuant to art. 1490 et seq. d.c.; the action of the Professional Customer aimed at asserting the warranty for defects is barred after 1 (one) year from delivery of the purchased Product and the related defects must be reported within the terms set out in the art. 1495 c.c.

Consumer Customer

For each Product purchased by a Consumer Customer, the latter will benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity provided for by articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

The legal guarantee paid by the seller applies to defects of conformity which appear within 24 months from the date of delivery of the Product and which are reported by the consumer within the following 2 months from the date of discovery of the defects themselves, in accordance with art. . 132 of the Consumer Code.

This guarantee must be enforced directly against Sub Evolution, if the latter acts as a seller of the defective Products, and precisely in the case of sale of Products for which the relevant Contract provides for home delivery of the Product (at an address indicated by the Customer), at the carrier's warehouse, or at the Sub Evolution Sales Point selected by the Customer in the Purchase Order; on the contrary, said guarantee must be enforced directly against the same Sales Point, which, in this case, will act as seller of the defective Products.

Operating methods to enforce the legal guarantee of conformity

At the point of sale. The Customer - equipped with the Product and the documentation proving the purchase - can go directly to the Sub Evolution store and contact the staff, who will be available to provide all the necessary assistance in relation to the specific case.

The point of sale staff will take charge of the Product for which the Customer complains of a lack of conformity and will give him the "repair sheet", a document which certifies the taking charge of the Product and contains all the indications and references regarding the procedure to be carried out. follow to benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity, if the conditions exist.

By telephone or by e-mail. Alternatively, the Customer can contact the point of sale by telephone or send their request for assistance to the email address

The personnel in charge will provide the Customer with the necessary information regarding the conditions and procedures for using the legal guarantee of conformity.

Sub Evolution, as appropriate, generally makes use of specialized technical assistance centers for repairs on the Products it sells or for assessing the conditions for their replacement under warranty, without prejudice to the responsibility of the person acting as seller of the defective Product, who will always remain directly responsible for providing the warranty.

Sub Evolution, in order to provide a high level and absolutely transparent after-sales assistance service, undertakes, on a voluntary basis, to have the defective Product repaired within 60 (sixty) days of the request for assistance under warranty.

Article 9. Right of withdrawal

Sales of products via the Internet are governed by articles 45 to 67 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code). This legislation provides, in favor of the consumer, the right to withdraw from contracts or contractual proposals, guaranteeing him the right to return the purchased product and obtain reimbursement of the expense incurred. The right of withdrawal does not apply to audiovisual products and sealed IT software products opened by the consumer, nor to sealed goods which are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons or related to health protection which have been opened after delivery. The Customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the products, that is:

in the absence of the original packaging;

in the absence of integral elements of the product (accessories, cables, instruction manuals, etc.);

The right of withdrawal is reserved exclusively for consumers (natural persons who purchase the goods not for purposes related to their professional, commercial or entrepreneurial activity), therefore it cannot be exercised by legal entities and natural persons acting for purposes related to the activity professional activity possibly carried out. The costs of returning the product are borne by the Customer.

Methods and times for exercising the right of withdrawal

The Customer has a period of 14 (fourteen) days to withdraw. The withdrawal period ends after 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the goods or, in the case of services, from the conclusion of the contract. Within this period the Customer must communicate to Sub Evolution the desire to withdraw from the contract using one of the following methods:

delivering the product to the point of sale. The customer can find all the data regarding the address of the store and its opening hours on the online site. If you wish to follow this procedure, the customer will not have to provide any written communication;

by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:

Within 14 (fourteen) days, the Customer will, at his own expense, ship the carefully packaged product to the following address:

Sub Evolution

Via Lucullo 45,80070 Bacoli (NA)

Tel. 081 8549300

The deadline is considered respected if the Customer ships the product before the expiry of the 14 (fourteen) day period.

Method and timing of reimbursement to the Customer of the cost of the product and shipping costs

Pursuant to article 56 of Legislative Decree 206/05, Sub Evolution will refund all payments within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which it became aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the possible choice of a type of delivery different from the type of standard delivery offered).

For purchases made with one of the following payment methods:

cash on delivery

bank transfer

Sub Evolution srl will proceed with the refund via bank transfer. For purchases made by paying by credit card, the refund will be made by reversing the transaction directly to the credit card. For purchases made via PayPal payment, the refund will be made by crediting the Customer's account.

Exclusion of the right of withdrawal

1. The right of withdrawal provided for in articles 64 et seq., as well as articles 52 and 53 and paragraph 1 of article 54 do not apply:

a) to contracts for the supply of foodstuffs, drinks or other goods for domestic use for daily consumption supplied to the consumer's home, place of residence or place of work by distributors who make frequent and regular trips;

b) to contracts for the supply of services relating to accommodation, transport, catering and leisure, when upon conclusion of the contract the professional undertakes to provide these services on a specific date or in a pre-established period.

2. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in articles 64 and following in the cases:

a) the supply of services whose execution began, with the agreement of the consumer, before the expiry of the deadline set by article 64, paragraph 1;

b) the supply of goods or services whose price is linked to fluctuations in financial market rates that the professional is not able to control;

c) the supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly;

d) the supply of sealed audiovisual products or computer software opened by the consumer;

e) supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines;

f) betting and lottery services.

The right of withdrawal is excluded and, therefore, the preceding paragraphs do not apply with regard to Contracts concluded with Professional Clients.

Article 10. Responsibility

With the order, the Buyer assumes responsibility for compliance with the legal and safety regulations relating to the use of the purchased products.

Sub Evolution is therefore excluded from any liability for any direct or indirect damage caused to people or things by the improper use of the products supplied.

Under no circumstances can Sub Evolution be held responsible, even indirectly, for the failure or insufficient functioning of the products and/or consequent damages.

Article 11. Privacy and Policy

Dear Customer, we provide you with the following Privacy Policy document containing important information on your privacy and the security devices adopted by our Site.

This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and, in particular, by legislative decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, which regulates the processing of personal data.

The Privacy Code guarantees that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms as well as the dignity of the person, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

The following privacy policy refers to the Site managed by Sub Evolution and applies whenever our site is visited, our pages are browsed or our services are used, even outside of the purchase of a product.

This privacy policy constitutes an integral part of our Site and the services we offer, and completes the Terms and Conditions of use of the Site govern access to and use of the Site and the Terms and Conditions of online sales and is provided pursuant to the Privacy Code.

The purchase of products through the Site as well as its use are based on the assumption that this Privacy Policy has been read and understood.

If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Site.

Sub Evolution may modify or update this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part.

Any changes will be accessible to all users on the Home Page of the Site.

As soon as the updates are active and binding they will be published in the appropriate section.

If the User does not intend to accept these changes, he or she is free to stop browsing the site at any time.

Continued use of our Website and our products and services following the publication of the aforementioned changes and/or updates will be equivalent to acceptance of the aforementioned and recognition of the binding specifications of the new terms and conditions.

1. Owner of the processing of personal data

Sub Evolution is the data controller of the personal data collected through the Site.

Sub Evolution establishes the purpose and methods of data processing, together with the security procedures to guarantee confidentiality.

2. What information we collect about you online

Communicating personal data to Sub Evolution, in the different ways in which they are collected on our Site, could be essential to achieve the desired result (communication, request for information, purchase of a product from the Sub Evolution online catalogue).

The mandatory or optional nature of providing data is specified from time to time - with reference to the data requested - in the data collection forms and mandatory information will be marked with an asterisk (*).

If you refuse to communicate the data marked as mandatory, it will be impossible to achieve the main purpose of collecting the specific data: such refusal could, for example, make it impossible to complete a purchase or execute the sales contract of the chosen product or provide other services available on the Site (such as assistance, contacts with Customer Service, sending emails, use of specific functions of the Site).

Communicating additional data, other than those marked as mandatory, is optional and a refusal to provide such data will not produce any consequences regarding the main purpose of the collection (on the use of the website and its services or to purchase the products on sale, for example).

At each subsequent visit to the site, after registration, you will have access to information regarding your reservations/orders or to your personal information by following a specific link on the site's home page (called "Login"), after entering your address and -email and password.

3. How we use your information

The processing of your personal data is carried out exclusively by means of IT systems by Sub Evolution and third parties, carefully selected for their reliability and competence, for carrying out essential operations to achieve the purposes strictly connected to the use of the Site, its services and the online sale of products through the Site.

In general, the data is processed for the purposes indicated below:

registering on the site, to enjoy the services offered;

subscription to specific services

the management of purchases and technical and/or commercial requests relating to both orders and a general nature relating to all requests for information, guarantees, refunds or right of change of mind.

the sending of informative and promotional communications, including offers of goods and services; of advertising and/or commercial material

market research, economic analysis and statistics.

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the processing of personal data takes place using IT and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The processing may be carried out on behalf of Sub Evolution, with the same methods and criteria mentioned above, by third parties who provide data processing services or carry out complementary or necessary activities for the execution of the services and operations requested.

These third parties will be appointed from time to time as Data Processors on behalf of Sub Evolution.

In some cases, as expressly provided for by the Privacy Code, your personal data will be processed if you expressly grant your consent, as in the case of creating a user profile based on preferences and purchases made, so as to be able to send information relevant to your needs. and interests.

There are, however, data processing operations for which the law has established that consent is not required: for example, we wish to inform you that Sub Evolution may process your personal data without your consent when this is necessary to comply with the provisions of the law or when this is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations.3. How we use your information

The processing of your personal data is carried out exclusively by means of IT systems by Sub Evolution and third parties, carefully selected for their reliability and competence, for carrying out essential operations to achieve the purposes strictly connected to the use of the Site, its services and the online sale of products through the Site.

In general, the data is processed for the purposes indicated below:

registering on the site, to enjoy the services offered;

subscription to specific services

the management of purchases and technical and/or commercial requests relating to both orders and a general nature relating to all requests for information, guarantees, refunds or right of change of mind.

the sending of informative and promotional communications, including offers of goods and services; of advertising and/or commercial material

market research, economic analysis and statistics.

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the processing of personal data takes place using IT and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The processing may be carried out on behalf of Sub Evolution, with the same methods and criteria mentioned above, by third parties who provide data processing services or carry out complementary or necessary activities for the execution of the services and operations requested.

These third parties will be appointed from time to time as Data Processors on behalf of Sub Evolution.

In some cases, as expressly provided for by the Privacy Code, your personal data will be processed if you expressly grant your consent, as in the case of creating a user profile based on preferences and purchases made, so as to be able to send information relevant to your needs. and interests.

There are, however, data processing operations for which the law has established that consent is not required: for example, we wish to inform you that Sub Evolution may process your personal data without your consent when this is necessary to comply with the provisions of the law or when this is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations.

In the exception provided for by the case referred to in the art. 130, paragraph 4, of the Privacy Code (which authorizes data processing for sending advertising emails on products and services similar to those already purchased and used, unless you refuse consent for such use), Sub Evolution may use the personal data made available by you on the occasion of a previous purchase or previous visit to the Site to send advertising on products and services, unless Sub Evolution receives your explicit refusal.

It may happen that Sub Evolution can directly process the personal data of third parties, communicated directly to Sub Evolution by its users, for example when the person paying for a product is different from the recipient, or when a user wishes to give information to a third party on a service or on the sale of a specific product on the Site.

In such circumstances, if third party data is provided, you will be responsible for obtaining consent to the processing of the latter's data, before communicating the data to Sub Evolution, and you must inform them of the existence of this Privacy Policy as "solely responsible " for the communication of information and data of third parties.

Sub Evolution reserves the right to eliminate all contents, data and personal information received if their content is found to be illegal or harmful to the image of Sub Evolution and/or offensive to its products or those of third parties or in the event in which it contains illicit or pornographic material, incites violence, or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion or sexual preference.

4. Managers and persons in charge of processing personal data

Sub Evolution may make use of the following personal data processing managers appointed in accordance with the provisions of the art. 29 of the Privacy Code:

shippers and transport companies, who process the data necessary to organize and carry out the shipment, delivery and return of the products purchased on our Site;

specialized operators who process the data necessary to manage and maintain the applications and web servers; to complete, manage and track purchase orders for products sold on our Site; to carry out updates and improvements to the site, evaluate the use and make improvements to the functioning of the site and other services necessary for the management of the sales portal and provision of related services;

specialized operators who process the data necessary to provide call center and customer care services for our users;

service providers for warranty services for products purchased on the Site.

All Sub Evolution operators involved in sales activities, delivery management, returns, complaints and warranty interventions, carried out as a result of the use of the Site, will also be able to have access to the data.

5. Your rights

You have the possibility at any time to request confirmation from Sub Evolution as to which personal data of yours have been collected and processed through the Site and their communication in an intelligible form.

Furthermore, you have the right to obtain information from Sub Evolution regarding the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of data processing that apply to them, the type of logic applied in the case of electronic tools that are used for the processing of data, complete identification of the data of those who process and of those responsible for the processing, the names of the people or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of the personal data in carrying out their tasks such as, by way of for example, data controllers.

Furthermore, he has the right to obtain:

the updating, rectification and integration of your personal data;

the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.

In any case, you have the right to object in whole or in part:

for legitimate reasons to process personal data concerning you even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

to the processing of personal data for the purposes of sending advertising material or direct/web marketing mailings, or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

Article 12. Changes to the site

Sub Evolution reserves the right to make, at any time, at its sole discretion, all modifications, additions and/or updates that it deems necessary and/or simply appropriate to the Site, contents, programs and/or other materials contained therein and/or available through the Site itself (including these General Conditions).

For clarity, any modification and/or update carried out as above will not have effect on Contracts already signed with Customers before making such modification or update.

In the event that a provision of this Agreement is declared null and void, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any competent court, supervisory authority or administrative authority, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected.

Article 13. Dispute resolution

Any dispute or problem will be resolved by Sub Evolution as soon as possible and it will be the customer's responsibility to contact our telephone assistance on 081 8549300 or via email

Article 14. Jurisdiction and competent court

The Contract is governed by Italian law.

For any dispute relating to the validity, effectiveness, interpretation or execution of each Contract as well as, in general, relating to navigation on the Site by the Customer or to the use of any functionality made available to the Customer through the Site, the competent authority will be exclusive jurisdiction is the Court of Naples, except for the mandatory court of the place of residence or elective domicile of the Customer acting as a Consumer Customer, pursuant to the Consumer Code.